#123: 3 Keys For Managing The High And Lows Of Practice

#123: 3 Keys For Managing The High And Lows Of Practice

If you have been in practice for a while, you know each week is a new week, and what you did last week doesn't matter.

One week you can be busy, with tons of new patients, everyone committing, and everyone getting better.

Then the next week, slow, low patients, no one committing, and no one getting better.

That's why I recommend adopting the old sports adage "don't get too high and don't get too low," but what are the practical techniques that can help you do this?

Here are 3 exercises that help me handle the ups and downs of practice.

1). Track 6 week averages.

Doing this allows you to see if your performance is improving or not and see which areas need to be addressed and which are performing well.


2). Reflect.

Take time to remember where you were in the past, look at previous struggles, learn from them, and appreciate where you are now.

Remember, the goal is high lows, so yesterday's high achieving weeks is tomorrow's low achieving weeks.

Also, if you have been stuck in a rut, what do you need to do to get out and start growing?


3). Long Term Vision.

When I was learning upper cervical chiropractic, it was challenging.

I would spend many days in my practice from 5am - to 9 or 10pm, outside of adjusting hours, trying to learn, having patients come in, or just reading through textbooks.

I wanted to quit a million times, and the time away from home was tough.

I told my wife it won't always be like this, and I continually held onto the vision of being an elite upper cervical chiro that had patients driving hours to get to my practice.

That is now a reality.

The vision is what kept me going through the tough times of sacrifice and dedication.


Keep Charging!

Dr. FJ Schofield

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