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Business, Doctor Tips, fundamentals, goals, Gratitude, growth, Improvement, Leadership, learning, Learning Mindset, practice tips, work/family balance -

There is no perfect practice, perfect technique, perfect script, perfect marketing plan, perfect hiring program.

Those hyperbolic claims are ego and sales.

There is fundamental mastery, skill development, maximizing innate talents, and growing a high-level team, but mistakes still happen, employees still have to be let go, patients still don’t commit.

However, if you are

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Action, Dr. FJ, goals, learning, Learning Mindset, Mindset, practice tips -

Perpetual growth requires continual improvement and continual improvement requires constant learning.


What are you going to learn about this year?

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Action, Business, fundamentals, goals, growth, performance, Practice Growth, practice tips, Productivity, staff, Success -

No secrets but many times, a fundamental seems like a

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Action, Business, character, Dr. FJ, ethics, focus, goals, growth, impact, performance, Success -

If you could watch your funeral and everyone who you ever interacted with was there. Friends, family, coworkers, employees, patients, teammates, opponents, etc., and they all were honest about how you had impacted their lives.

What would they say?

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