Dr. FJ, Leadership, Team -

If you are anything like me when you get to work you put your game face on and go to work.

This is great for your patients, but if you are busy, you might never actually get to know your team.

Not getting to know your team is a huge mistake. Creating a relationship with your team and understanding what’s going on in their lives will help build rapport, trust, and loyalty.

To do this,

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Dr. FJ, work/family balance -

I know most coaches & speakers like to talk about work & family balance, but I see very few who have truly mastered it.

Each year at the December training, I write out my long term vision.

Where I want to be in 30 years and where I want to be when I am 100.

One of the first goals is: my wife, Korie and I are happily married to each other, our children are healthy and thriving, and that we have a fun, loving, and supportive relationship with them.

These goals, like all goals, will only be achieved if there are action steps that you consistently execute, if not, they are just wishes.

When you are an owner & operator that loves what you do, it is easy to neglect your family, yourself and your health.

Here are 3 actions I have executed in my own life that have helped me maintain great work, life, and family balance.

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Dr. FJ, marketing -

Last week I was digging up and replanting plants. Around one of the big trees in our yard, I am assuming it’s an oak tree but have no idea if it is, there were roots everywhere.

Big ones and little ones, all spreading way out into the yard.

It dawned on me.

This is precisely how you want your marketing to be.

You leverage every available medium to tell your story to the people you want to take care of.

You should use:

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Dr. FJ, Screenings, Talks, Warren Buffett -

When Warren Buffet and his partner Charlie Munger do their annual reports for their stockholders, they always start by reviewing the mistakes they have made that quarter.

This allows them to build a tremendous amount of trust, and then they get the opportunity to talk about their strengths, merits, wins, and why they should hold onto and buy more of their stock.

This straightforward yet powerful tactic is a great way to handle asymptomatic patients who need your care.

You know who I am talking about, the patient who’s pain "went away" right after they made the phone call or since they scheduled at your screening or workshop.

Those patients were always challenging and uncomfortable.

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Dr. FJ, social media -

Do you Respond

The number one metric all platforms are looking at right now is engagement.

When someone responds to a post video or review,

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