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For many years it was believed that running a 4-minute mile was a physical impossibility.

The human body could not do it.

And because the mind believed this, it was impossible.

Then Roger Bannister came along and broke it.

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It took Dr. Fred 7 years to find the most crucial phrase for high volume.

"Let's check you"

It cuts through the bullshit and gets to the point.

"Let's check you", start every adjustment with it, and watch how you can, efficiently and effectively, see so many more patients.

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Mo Chih Chu is a samurai term that means "moving straight ahead without hesitation."

To be in this state of flow requires enormous training.

You can't flow through something the first time you do it.

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The key to connecting to a tribe is giving.

Whether through your phone, email, text, or whatever medium you like.

But, make sure you are connecting with successful and high-quality people regularly.

And, when you do connect with your Tribe, share and teach.

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All the tools, strategies, and tactics mean absolutely nothing, if you aren’t hungry and willing to put in the work.

There are no short cuts.

The problem is you see a successful Chiro after years of honing their skills, their communication, and you see the team around making it look easy or natural.

Or maybe they were born super talented or born lucky.

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